Understanding function `substitute()`
Installing a specific version of R on Linux Ubuntu requires to compile it from source code
When installing a new version of R you may want to reinstall al previously installed packages for the new R version. New packages will be installed a new directory.
How to use environmental variables to pass values to a R docker
The idea is about using package `plotly` for producing interactive plots for a Shiny application. Official documentation about `plotly` is superb. Nevertheless, as this graphics grammar, within the `R` community is not as spread as `ggplot` is, few topics require a bit of extra research.
When working with R you may want to run a script that require quite a long time to complete. As modern computers generally have more cores and ram than required this is not going to be a problem in terms of computer resources. Nevertheless, the script will take your R prompt busy preventing you from any other activity. Function `rstudioapi::jobRunScript()` allows you avoid this problem.
Sparklyr is an open-source package that provides an interface between R and Apache Spark. Sparklyr provide an interface to use Spark as the backend for dplyr along with acess to Spark’s distributed machine learning algorithms This article is about using sparkly within an R session
`R` can be considered as a functional programming language as it focuses on the creation and manipulation of functions and has what's known as first class functions. Understanding the functional nature of `R` may help to improve clarity and avoid redundancy.
How to install shiny proxy in Ubuntu
How to install Docker system on Ubuntu
How to install Portainer on Ubuntu
How to port a shiny app into a container
How to move docker data direcory to a different location in ubuntu.
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